Our rescue pup, Peanut
Happy New Year! As promised I’m sharing my area of focus for 2017. But first let me introduce the newest member of my family, Peanut. He’s going to help me with the big reveal. In fact, his adoption three days ago confirmed what I need to focus on this year.

It all started when my daughter showed me a picture of Peanut on the Humane Society’s website. Look at those eyes! Who could resist those big brown eyes? So off we went on a long drive to the city to see if Peanut would be a good fit for our family. But nothing could have prepared us for what we saw when we arrived. There, in an over-sized kennel, was little Peanut, a two-year-old dachshund mix – with only three legs. His back hindquarter was shaved bare from his recent leg amputation. I gasped aloud and then knelt to look closer.

In the background, I heard the staff reassuring that he was healing up fine and adjusting to getting around on three legs. But Peanut and I were having our own conversation. His little tail wagging as his big brown eyes spoke to me. He needed a home, a family to love and a place to heal. I connected with his sweet and gentle soul. It was a very “in the moment” experience, which leads me to the reveal.

In years past I’ve chosen areas of focus such as compassion, peace, gratitude, patience (still a lot of work to do on that one) and of course, last year was my year of yes. In 2017 I want to focus on the one virtue that will help me in all those areas. In fact, it will help me to live a happier more joyful life with less ego and more soul. And so, without further ado, in 2017 my focus will be …


Being mindful and living in the moment may sound cliché but it’s easier said than done. As part of my mindfulness practice, I’m following Elisha Goldstein’s advice and adopting the seven habits listed below. You can read the entire article on mindfulness by clicking here.

  1. Approach everyday things with curiosity and savor them.
  2. Forgive mistakes big and small.
  3. Show gratitude for good moments and grace for bad ones.
  4. Practice compassion and nurture connections.
  5. Make peace with imperfection, inside and out.
  6. Embrace vulnerability by trusting others and yourself.
  7. Accept and appreciate that things come and go.

A big “THANK YOU” to all my Facebook readers and WordPress followers! Wishing you all a magical and joyful 2017!  ~ Namaste

12 thoughts on “2017 Reveal

  1. what a noble goal-and you are quite right that the art of mindfulness is challenging at best-practice will become habit however and it gets to be a more natural state after a bit. I have been working on this a while and still struggle at times. It is much more satisfactory than any other way though. Thank you. I already love Peanut and wish him well. Happy happy new year-may it be beautiful for you.

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