15 thoughts on “Poetry ~ Poet of Darkness

    1. Exactly! This is how it came to me in my dream. Initially I thought I should make it clear for the reader, but then it lost its essence so I kept it in its original form. Thanks for reading😊


    1. I’m trying not to see the darkness as something to fear. Truly in my darkest moments I’ve experience great spiritual growth. (Often in hindsight) I know this to be true for myself personally. This month was a bit of dark ghostly fun with a message imbedded in each poem. As we approach November I’ll bring back the light. 😊

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      1. I agree with you Sue, darkness is not to be feared and bringing a bit of fun to it with a hidden message is a great idea. I let myself wallow in misery sometimes and I seem really dismal but in fact I’m just letting it break me open. Seeing the dark side is part of that process.

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  1. At first, I feel like the sun is bleaching things out, then I think about vampires. Hmm. It’s art. And from your dream, you say? I sometimes get ideas from dreams, mostly, I get scared 😛

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